About Us

  1. Home

  2. Butterflies

  3. Skippers

  4. Dragonflies

  5. Damselflies

  6. Wildflowers

My name is Teddy Wilcox. My wife Linda, daughter Audrey, and I are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and are very thankful for all of the Lord's blessings in our lives. We have always enjoyed nature and have spent much of our spare time looking for and photographing butterflies. We also branched out to include other insects, such as dragonflies and damselflies, and wildflowers. The goal of our website is for my family and I to express our love and joy of God's beautiful, and sometimes hidden, world of insects, and to encourage people to slow down to notice the tiny, amazing creatures around them.


Note: This is an archive of the site formerly at ncwings.com, hosted at Carolina Nature since 1/16/2012. This site has not been actively updated since 2009, but enjoy the beautiful photos, which document many rarities. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the current web manager, Will Cook (cwcook@duke.edu)