Tawny Crescent (Phyciodes batesii) |
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DISTRIBUTION in North Carolina: Scattered in the mountains, at least in the southern half of the mountains (seven county records known to Natural Heritage Program). We are not aware of mountain records north of Buncombe County. Though this is a northern species, it seems to be extirpated in many states to the north, such that there is now an isolated population in southwestern NC and adjacent GA. |
ABUNDANCE in North Carolina: Rare to locally uncommon, though common at a few sites in Clay County. Elsewhere in the range, the species is undergoing a decline (gypsy moth spraying?), but there is no reason to suspect a decline in NC. |
FLIGHT PERIOD in North Carolina: A single brood; from early May into early July, with peak numbers in mid- to late May. The flight dates are advancing in the last few years. Formerly, late May into early July was the flight period, but now the adults are emerging by early May and can be locally common then, as evidenced by the count made by Derb Carter, Jeff Pippen, and Harry LeGrand, Jr. of a remarkable 24 individuals on May 5, 2002. Harry LeGrand Jr. suspects the flight is over in many places by the end of May or early June now. |
![]() Distribution, abundance, flight period, and map information provided by Notes on the Butterflies of North Carolina. |