Berry's Skipper (Euphyes berryi)

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DISTRIBUTION in North Carolina: Known only from a few sites near the coast, in a narrow region between Dare and Carteret counties. Expected only in the lower Coastal Plain, but certainly might occur between Carteret County and Berkeley County, SC.
ABUNDANCE in North Carolina: Extremely rare and poorly known. NC lies at the northern edge of the species' range, but even within the range it is one of the scarcest butterflies in the Southeast.
FLIGHT PERIOD in North Carolina: Probably two broods, but the flight periods are uncertain. There is a spring flight in Florida and Georgia; in the latter state the records are for the last half of May (Harris 1972). In South Carolina, we are aware of records only for July and August, based on a paper published by Ron Gatrelle in 1975; and the four records of the second brood in Georgia range from July 22 to August 5 (Harris 1972). The NC record of a worn female on August 10 (photo by Steve Hall) would seem to fit this flight period pattern, yet Jeff Pippen and Harry LeGrand, Jr. had a number of moderately fresh individuals from September 14 - 19 in Dare and Hyde counties! (The species does fly in Florida into October, and thus it should be present in SC and GA at least into late September.) Two summer/fall broods seems unlikely. Thus, our best guess on flight periods for NC is a small brood from late May into June, and a moderately long brood from July into mid- or late September. Much more data are needed to solve this confusing pattern.
Distribution, abundance, flight period, and map information provided by Notes on the Butterflies of North Carolina.