White-M Hairstreak (Parrhasius m-album)

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DISTRIBUTION in North Carolina: Statewide; though recorded from less than half of the counties, it may well occur in nearly every county.
ABUNDANCE in North Carolina: Rare to uncommon, but widespread. Potentially could be seen almost anywhere at any time. Seldom more than one or two are seen by an observer in a day. Abundance seems about evenly distributed over the state, not obviously more "numerous" in one province over another.
FLIGHT PERIOD in North Carolina: At least three broods, if not four; downstate -- early March to mid- or late April; mid-May to mid-June; mid-July into August; and August to mid-October. More flight data needed for the mountains, though the data suggest three broods from mid-April to early October.
Distribution, abundance, flight period, and map information provided by Notes on the Butterflies of North Carolina.
White M Hairstreak (Parrhasius m-album) 08/11/05 · Ashe County, NC · female
(same Hairstreak that's oviposting below)
White M Hairstreak (Parrhasius m-album) 06/13/05 · Ashe County, NC
White M Hairstreak (Parrhasius m-album) 08/11/05 · Ashe County, NC ·
female oviposting on small Oak tree
White M Hairstreak (Parrhasius m-album) 08/11/05 · Ashe County, NC · egg